THE MOUNTAIN BETWEEN US is a compelling and engaging story of survival, extremely well crafted and featuring two wonderful stars: Kate Winslet and Idris Elba.
The cinematography is brilliant and the situation believable. The film drew me in for two hours and didn’t let go. I was entertained; the rental through on-demand was totally worthwhile. I recommend this movie for living up to what was promised: a tale of survival in a brutal, remote environment and a fascinating and growing relationship between two characters who otherwise would not have met. Forced to work together to survive, there is animosity and bitterness toward one another until they give in to their predicament and try to just survive for one more day. Then one more.
Then another.
I also enjoyed the character development, particularly of Elba’s neurosurgeon, Ben. Some might say the film was too predictable, but that’s a good thing in this case. I enjoyed it. It was a good movie for the holidays … especially with the snow raging outside my windows.
TSJ’s rating: 8/10