Rebooted MAGNUM PI Trailer is Here


Rebooted MAGNUM PI Trailer Online — See it Here

I’m not sure how I feel about this. Tom Selleck’s Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV is so ingrained in my memory due to my teen years in the 80’s. (I was born at the perfect time.  See my thoughts on this here.)  The series was watershed for me — it featured a strong cast of male characters who had bonded during war and were now living in the years after, still as close as brothers, but each dealing with their own memories and trauma from Vietnam. It was a show that portrayed Vietnam vets in a positive light, and Tom Selleck was the Alpha who held it all together. His humor, his self-deprecating portrayal of Magnum, and the great chemistry between the leads — including Jonathan Hillerman (Higgins) — kept the show going for eight years. It was also the first time a Navy SEAL had been portrayed in popular culture. When it finally ended, it went out on top, and almost from the instant it went off the air fans have been clamoring for more MAGNUM PI.

I have mixed feelings. The show looks right. The helicopter, the estate, the dogs, the Detroit Tigers, the French Cross rings, references to Robin Masters, the camaraderie and the cars are all there. The first episode seems to also emulate the first from the 80’s — Magnum attempting to solve the death of a close friend — but still the sting of not seeing Tom Selleck is there. I don’t envy Jay Hernandez one bit. Good luck, man. But where is the moustache?

Here it is. Tell me what you think.



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