ChiSeries Windsor Recap
On Wednesday, 26 June I read from The War Beneath at the Phog Lounge in Windsor, Ontario, a place with a ton of character. I’d never been there before (it was only my second visit to Windsor) but it was obvious from the onset that it was a fitting and appropriate venue for a reading by SF writers.
History oozed from the corners of the place; you could tell it’s been around for an eternity and is cherished by its patrons. It reminded me of a watering hole from my days at Western University and Ottawa U decades ago. Also reading were Christian Laforet and Kathe Koja. Laforet read from his newest book, The Infested, a beautifully grotesque and vivid zombie pandemic horror, and Koja read from her performance art/psychological thriller, Skin. Intercut between the readings, musician Brendan Scott Friel performed for the crowd; he is a ridiculously-talented guitarist and singer. Windsor is lucky to have him.
It was a fantastic evening in a wonderful setting, and I want to thank everyone for coming to experience the readings and music.

TSJ and The War Beneath

Reading The War Beneath

Host Ben Van Dongen

Christian Laforet

Kathe Koja

Musician Brendan Scott Friel
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Winner of the 2018 GLOBAL THRILLER Award for Action/Adventure & Semi-Finalist for the 2018 CLUE Award for Suspense/Thriller
“One very riveting, intelligent read!” — Readers’ Favorite
“If you like novels like The Hunt for Red October and Red Storm Rising,
you will certainly enjoy The War Beneath.” — A Thrill A Week
“If you’re here for thrills, the book will deliver.” — The Cambridge Geek
“This is a tense, gripping science fiction/thriller of which Tom Clancy might well be proud . . . When I say it is gripping, that is the simple truth.” — Ardath Mayhar
“… a thrill ride from beginning to end …” — SF Crowsnest
“… if you like Clancy and le Carré with a hint of Forsyth thrown in,
you’ll love The War Beneath.” — Colonel Jonathan P. Brazee (RET),
2017 Nebula Award & 2018 Dragon Award Finalist
“Fast-paced, good old-fashioned Cold War espionage … a great escape!” — The Minerva Reader