Category: The War Beneath
A Blanket of Steel, An Island of Light, Climate Fiction, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science, Technology, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The Shadow of War, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Kelp Can be Used to Create Plastic
Kelp Can be Used to Create Plastic
A story that provides further foundation to my series, The Rise of Oceania.
A Blanket of Steel, Action, An Island of Light, eBook, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The Shadow of War, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller
Buy the Complete Rise of Oceania Series as a Set on Kindle
A Blanket of Steel, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Inspirations, Interview, Podcast, Science Fiction, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The Shadow of War, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, TSJ Appearances, Underwater Thriller, Writing
TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast — Spotify Link
TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast on Spotify
Here is my podcast appearance on “Author in the Headlights” with the spotify link, embedded below.
A Blanket of Steel, Awards, Interview, Podcast, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The Shadow of War, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, TSJ Appearances, Underwater Thriller, Writing
TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast
TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast
Earlier this week, I appeared as a guest on the “Author in the Headlights” podcast. I spoke with host, Strider Klusman, about writing, inspirations, my series The Rise of Oceania, and specifically 2023 Cygnus Grand Prize winner The Shadow of War.
A Blanket of Steel, Action, Climate Fiction, Cold War, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Inspirations, Science, Science Fiction, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Diagrams, Schematics, Maps, and Tables in A BLANKET OF STEEL
Diagrams, Schematics, Maps, and Tables in A Blanket of Steel
Why do I add so many visuals to my thrillers?
Action, Awards, Climate Fiction, Cold War, eBook, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller
THE WAR BENEATH is a 2019 Kindle Book Awards Semi-Finalist
THE WAR BENEATH by TSJ is a 2019 Kindle Book Awards Semi-Finalist
In the wake (see what I did there?) of the discovery that The Savage Deeps was actually a Semi-Finalist in the 2022 Kindle Book Awards, I just discovered that The War Beneath was also a Semi-Finalist, three years earlier!
An Island of Light, Book Signing, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science Fiction, Suspense, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, TSJ Appearances
Pictures From This Weekend’s Signing
Indigo Guelph Signing Pics, 16 April 2022
On Saturday, I drove up to Indigo Guelph in Guelph, Ontario. Indigo — especially this store — has been so welcoming to me since the The War Beneath came out in 2018.
Action, Climate Fiction, Cold War, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller
The Rise of Oceania Trilogy Is Now on Kobo
The War Beneath, The Savage Deeps, and Fatal Depth are now on Kobo
The trilogy appeared on Kindle and iBooks a couple of weeks ago; the first three books in the series are now also on Kobo.
Action, An Island of Light, Book Review, Character Development, Climate Fiction, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Horror, Inspirations, James Cameron, Michael Crichton, Movie Review, Movies, Science, Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The 1950's, The 1980's, The 1990's, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
TSJ Talks Inspirations for The War Beneath
TSJ Talks Inspirations for The War Beneath
When I was a teenager, I read a lot of 1950s Science Fiction. It was the tail end of the “Golden Age of Science Fiction.” Asimov, Pohl, Heinlein, del Rey and more. I fell in love with the genre because of those books. They sparked my imagination and took me to fascinating locations in futuristic settings. The stakes were always huge. It’s those books that really taught me how important YA Science Fiction is. Readers get hooked on the genre early; it’s what happened to me.