Category: Climate Fiction

Book Signing at Coles Stratford Featuring A BLANKET OF STEEL on Saturday, May 11 2024

Book Signing at Coles Stratford on May 11, 2024

The A Blanket of Steel signing tour continues!

TSJ Book Signing at Chapters Vega in Mississauga, Ontario on April 20, 2024

TSJ Book Signing at Chapters Vega in Mississauga, Ontario on April 20, 2024

The A Blanket of Steel signing tour continues!

A BLANKET OF STEEL Book Launch Photos

The Book Launch … Success!

It was a wonderful day at Indigo North London yesterday for the book launch of A Blanket of Steel.  Here are some pictures with captions, including visits with some important people in my life and a HUGE surprise from my past.  I did not get pictures with everyone who came, so many people who supported me yesterday are not represented here.  Regardless, I want to thank everyone for coming; I truly appreciate it more than you can know.

TSJ’s Upcoming Spring Book Signings for A BLANKET OF STEEL

TSJ’s Upcoming Book Signings

I’m thrilled to announce some upcoming signing to support the publication of A Blanket of Steel!

A BLANKET OF STEEL Book Launch Saturday, April 6 at Indigo North London

A Blanket of Steel Book Launch at Indigo North London Saturday, April 6

The A Blanket of Steel signing tour begins!

Amazing Stories Reviews A BLANKET OF STEEL: “It’s Prescient.”

Amazing Stories Reviews A Blanket of Steel:  “It’s prescient.”

This is a stellar review.  I am still processing it.  The reviewer, R. Graeme Cameron, has so far read and reviewed three of my books:

THE SHADOW OF WAR by TSJ is a 2023 CYGNUS Award Finalist

The Shadow of War by TSJ is a 2023 CYGNUS Award Finalist

My 2023 underwater heist thriller, The Shadow of War, has made the final group of novels in the science fiction award competition.

Author Michael Libling Reviews A BLANKET OF STEEL

Author Michael Libling Blurbs (and Reviews) A Blanket of Steel!

I’ve said it before, and I’m saying it again:  Michael Libling, author of Hollywood North:  A Novel in Six Reels and The Serial Killer’s Son Takes a Wife, is a Canadian treasure.  He’s a brilliant genius and I can’t argue with or dispute anything he says about any topic. Especially this one.

Here are his impressions of my newest thriller, A Blanket of Steel:

Readers’ Favorite Reviews A BLANKET OF STEEL!

Readers’ Favorite Reviews A Blanket of Steel!

And it is very, very good indeed!

See an excerpt, and click a link for the full review: