Category: Science
A Blanket of Steel, An Island of Light, Climate Fiction, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science, Technology, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The Shadow of War, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Kelp Can be Used to Create Plastic
Kelp Can be Used to Create Plastic
A story that provides further foundation to my series, The Rise of Oceania.
Climate Fiction, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Inspirations, Interview, Research, Science, Science Fiction, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Interview with Timothy S. Johnston in Interstellar Flight Magazine
Interview with Timothy S. Johnston in Interstellar Flight Magazine
The article is informative, interesting, and provides a great deal of insight into the series, the rationale, and the reasoning behind the world and story.
A Blanket of Steel, Action, Climate Fiction, Cold War, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Inspirations, Science, Science Fiction, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Diagrams, Schematics, Maps, and Tables in A BLANKET OF STEEL
Diagrams, Schematics, Maps, and Tables in A Blanket of Steel
Why do I add so many visuals to my thrillers?
Article, Inspirations, Research, Science, The Rise of Oceania, Timothy S. Johnston
On Global Warming and Climate Change: Fallacy or Fact?
On Global Warming and Climate Change: Fallacy or Fact?
The title is a little misleading. After all, very few scientists deny that it’s happening. In the past decade we’ve experienced the ten warmest years since 1850. I want to be 100% clear about the purpose of this article right from the outset: Human beings have accelerated climate change. The rate of temperature increase is astonishing and utterly unique in the paleoclimatology record. There’s no doubt at all. Even from a passive observer’s opinion, the winters are vastly warmer than several decades ago. Things have indeed changed, and my point is that you don’t have to be a scientist to see that it’s happening/happened.
A Blanket of Steel, Book Review, Climate Fiction, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science, Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Amazing Stories Reviews A BLANKET OF STEEL: “It’s Prescient.”
Amazing Stories Reviews A Blanket of Steel: “It’s prescient.”
This is a stellar review. I am still processing it. The reviewer, R. Graeme Cameron, has so far read and reviewed three of my books:
Action, Awards, Climate Fiction, Cold War, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science, Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Writing
THE SAVAGE DEEPS is a 2022 Kindle Book Awards Semi-Finalist
THE SAVAGE DEEPS is a 2022 Kindle Book Awards Semi-Finalist
This book previously won the 2020 CYGNUS Award in the Climate Fiction Category.
Action, Climate Fiction, Cold War, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Science, Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The Rise of Oceania, Thriller, Underwater Thriller, Writing
Pre-Order The Shadow of War by TSJ!
Pre-Order The Shadow of War by TSJ!
The Shadow of War is now for sale online. My newest technological thriller is due for release in the Fall, from Fitzhenry & Whiteside. Read more below …
Action, An Island of Light, Book Review, Character Development, Climate Fiction, Fatal Depth, Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd., Horror, Inspirations, James Cameron, Michael Crichton, Movie Review, Movies, Science, Science Fiction, Suspense, Technology, TechnoThriller, The 1950's, The 1980's, The 1990's, The Rise of Oceania, The Savage Deeps, The War Beneath, Thriller, Timothy S. Johnston, Underwater Thriller, Writing
TSJ Talks Inspirations for The War Beneath
TSJ Talks Inspirations for The War Beneath
When I was a teenager, I read a lot of 1950s Science Fiction. It was the tail end of the “Golden Age of Science Fiction.” Asimov, Pohl, Heinlein, del Rey and more. I fell in love with the genre because of those books. They sparked my imagination and took me to fascinating locations in futuristic settings. The stakes were always huge. It’s those books that really taught me how important YA Science Fiction is. Readers get hooked on the genre early; it’s what happened to me.
Action, Article, Horror, Inspirations, John Carpenter, Movie Review, Movies, Mystery, Science, Science Fiction, Suspense, TechnoThriller, The Thing, Thriller
John Carpenter’s Contribution to Speculative and Science Fiction Redux
John Carpenter’s Contribution to Speculative and Science Fiction Redux*
John Carpenter is my favorite director.
I think that’s pretty obvious if you’re familiar with my blog, Life After Gateway. My post “The Greatest Trifectas in Film History” made it clear that I believe him to be a visionary director whose massive appeal in the SF genre is on par with Cameron, Spielberg, and Abrams.