TSJ Talks John Carpenter’s THE THING on the Re-Creative Podcast
For those of you who don’t download podcasts, here’s an easier way to listen to my 45-minute segment on the Re-Creative with hosts Joe and Mark.
For those of you who don’t download podcasts, here’s an easier way to listen to my 45-minute segment on the Re-Creative with hosts Joe and Mark.
Last week, I joined the guys from the Re-Creative Podcast and our topic of the evening was my second favorite film of all time, John Carpenter’s The Thing.
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I recently published a blog piece celebrating my fiftieth year on the planet. In the article, I wrote about the books I read as a child under the age of ten. The intention was twofold: to inform people about the books that inspired a young boy to take on the monumental goal of writing science fiction thrillers (a task which took decades to achieve), and to implore parents to always buy books for their children.
I wanted to showcase this incredible concept artwork by Nelson Housden for each book in The Tanner Sequence. Agatha Christie and Isaac Asimov inspired me to write these futuristic murder mysteries, published by Carina Press back in 2013, 2014, and 2015. The Furnace was the first book I sold, back in 2012.
This week, speculative fiction blog Aurelia Leo published an article I wrote on legendary SF director John Carpenter. Over the decades I’ve searched out any property I could find that Carpenter has directed. Find my thoughts on many of his SF films at the link, including THEY LIVE, PRINCE OF DARKNESS, THE THING, and ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK.
I should clarify that a film’s presence on this blog post is entirely subjective based on my experiences growing up. These were my creative formative years, during which I was discovering genre books, television shows, and movies. I was born in 1970, so really the 80’s were my true introduction to Science Fiction Horror, Thriller and Adventure — books by Asimov and Crichton and films by Cameron, Spielberg, Carpenter, and Verhoeven — but the 1970’s played a huge role in my love for the genre. Detroit Channel 7 broadcast most of the films I saw. Many had poor effects, but the stories were so powerful and the actors so committed that the movies rose above the rest of the stories that were available at the time. The themes were relevant, the plots compelling and interesting, all the base human emotions like revenge and lust and greed and hate were on full display, they spoke of issues that people dealt with every day, and they featured powerful scores and incredible directing. They were gripping.
People often ask me about my favorite movies. I try to watch a lot of thrillers and horror, especially in the Science Fiction genre, I like to talk about movies, and I enjoy reviewing great ones on my blog. So, I figured that this might be a good place to write an article about my top three films of all time.
Counting down from Three to One …
John Carpenter’s THE THING, 1982
In 2013, coinciding with the release of my first novel, THE FURNACE, I wrote an essay for John Scalzi’s website on the Imposter Theme in Science Fiction. It’s a common plot element in the genre, and I encountered it repeatedly in my formative years. The novels INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and THE PUPPET MASTERS feature the theme. John Carpenter’s THE THING had a massive impact on me when it was released, and THE FURNACE is actually an homage to it and the novella it was based on, WHO GOES THERE?
A few weeks back, I had the pleasure of participating in a radio program with host Gail Barker. I spoke about Horror/Science Fiction movies and how they inspired me to write. Movies like ALIEN and THE THING. In the 1980’s, during my most formative years developing my creativity, a wave of slasher films hit theaters. Parents hated them, but believe it or not, they taught me about the importance of emotion in all stories, regardless of genre.