Category: Mystery


TSJ Reviews The Last Voyage of the Demeter

It’s been a while since I reviewed a movie on my blog, but the one I watched this past Saturday evening prompted me to do so.  You see, critics weren’t so hot on The Last Voyage of the Demeter, and reviews hurt the box office, but I enjoyed it very much.

A Blanket of Steel is off to the Publisher!

TSJ’s A Blanket of Steel is off to the Publisher!

And it’s off!

This is the sixth and final book in my underwater colonization series, The Rise of Oceania from Fitzhenry & Whiteside LTD.  It’s also the largest, at about 127,000 words.  I promise a gripping spy vs. spy tale filled with excitement, action, technology, and emotion.  There’s a reason it’s called A Blanket of Steel, and it ties in with the ongoing Cold War between the US, Russia, and China and the thirst for new resources on the ocean floor.  But as with my other titles, there is more than one meaning here, but I will leave it for you to discover.  It’s a standalone thriller; all the books in The Rise of Oceania can be read in any order.  Together they tell an overall arc about the Second Cold War, the McClusky family, and the world’s quest to colonize the ocean floor during escalating climate change on the surface.  And, of course, the necessary gruesome violence that it all entails.  The book is coming …

Timothy S. Johnston Reviews Hollywood North: A Novel in Six Reels

Timothy S. Johnston Reviews Hollywood North: A Novel in Six Reels by Michael Libling

Hollywood North is a breathtaking journey through Trenton, Ontario of the 1960s. The gripping story includes a wonderful mix of characters, murder, serial killers, childhood love, the supernatural, and a mystery that leaves you dying to uncover its secrets. But don’t fret, because Libling unveils all in a breathtaking finale that left my jaw on the floor. I implore you not to ignore the following advice: Stop reading and go buy this book now.

John Carpenter’s Contribution to Speculative and Science Fiction Redux

John Carpenter’s Contribution to Speculative and Science Fiction Redux*

John Carpenter is my favorite director.

I think that’s pretty obvious if you’re familiar with my blog, Life After Gateway. My post “The Greatest Trifectas in Film History” made it clear that I believe him to be a visionary director whose massive appeal in the SF genre is on par with Cameron, Spielberg, and Abrams.

CTV News Article on Timothy S. Johnston

CTV News Article on Timothy S. Johnston

Last week, CTV News ran an article about me and my love for the Science Fiction, Horror, Mystery, Thriller, and Suspense genres and how they inspire me to write.

Horror/Sci-Fi/Suspense Influences on TSJ Before the Age of Ten

Horror/Sci-Fi/Suspense Influences on TSJ Before the Age of Ten

I recently published a blog piece celebrating my fiftieth year on the planet. In the article, I wrote about the books I read as a child under the age of ten. The intention was twofold: to inform people about the books that inspired a young boy to take on the monumental goal of writing science fiction thrillers (a task which took decades to achieve), and to implore parents to always buy books for their children.

New TSJ Story in The Quarantine Review

New TSJ Story in The Quarantine Review!

The Quarantine Review, Issue 5 by [Sheeza Sarfraz, J.J. Dupuis]

Cover art by Jay Soule

Out now!

“The fifth issue of a digital journal created to alleviate the malaise of social distancing with exceptional writing and artwork.”

This is the fifth edition of The Quarantine Review, out 3 November, 2020.