Category: The Shadow of War

A New Five-Star Review for TSJ’s THE SHADOW OF WAR!

A New Five-Star Review for TSJ’s The Shadow of War!

It’s a great review of The Shadow of War, my underwater heist/thriller. Thank you to Chanticleer Reviews.  Check out a snippet here, and the link to the full review is underneath it, along with the book trailer.  I love the final line:

Kelp Can be Used to Create Plastic

Kelp Can be Used to Create Plastic

A story that provides further foundation to my series, The Rise of Oceania.

Buy the Complete Rise of Oceania Series as a Set on Kindle

Buy the Complete Rise of Oceania Series as a Set on Kindle

TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast — Spotify Link

TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast on Spotify

Here is my podcast appearance on “Author in the Headlights” with the spotify link, embedded below.

TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast

TSJ on the “Author in the Headlights” Podcast

Earlier this week, I appeared as a guest on the “Author in the Headlights” podcast.  I spoke with host, Strider Klusman, about writing, inspirations, my series The Rise of Oceania, and specifically 2023 Cygnus Grand Prize winner The Shadow of War.

THE SHADOW OF WAR by TSJ is a 2023 CYGNUS Award Finalist

The Shadow of War by TSJ is a 2023 CYGNUS Award Finalist

My 2023 underwater heist thriller, The Shadow of War, has made the final group of novels in the science fiction award competition.

THE SHADOW OF WAR by TSJ is a 2023 CYGNUS Award Semi-Finalist

The Shadow of War is a 2023 CYGNUS Award Semi-Finalist

The underwater heist published by Fitzhenry & Whiteside, Ltd. in 2022 is continuing to make waves!

Kirkus Reviews: THE SHADOW OF WAR is an “Indie Worth Discovering!”

In This Month’s Kirkus Reviews Magazine:  The Shadow of War by TSJ is an “Indie Worth Discovering!”

Kirkus Reviews!  I am so proud of this book!  The Shadow of War is an underwater heist/thriller with a diverse cast and a gripping story.  The listing is in the November issue of Kirkus Reviews.

The Shadow of War by TSJ Shortlisted for the 2023 CYGNUS Award

The Shadow of War by TSJ Shortlisted for the 2023 CYGNUS Award

I’m thrilled to announce that my underwater heist and climate change adventure, The Shadow of War, has been shortlisted for this year’s Science Fiction Award in the Climate Fiction category. (Watch the exciting book trailer below.)