Category: Book Trailer

Kirkus Reviews: THE SHADOW OF WAR is an “Indie Worth Discovering!”

In This Month’s Kirkus Reviews Magazine:  The Shadow of War by TSJ is an “Indie Worth Discovering!”

Kirkus Reviews!  I am so proud of this book!  The Shadow of War is an underwater heist/thriller with a diverse cast and a gripping story.  The listing is in the November issue of Kirkus Reviews.

The Book Trailer for THE SHADOW OF WAR Is Here!

Watch the Exciting Book Trailer for THE SHADOW OF WAR!

Thanks to Director Ethan Hickey for creating the excellent Book Trailer.  Here it is, below. 

Now in eBook Format: AN ISLAND OF LIGHT!

AN ISLAND OF LIGHT is now out in eBook Format!

After a nearly ten month wait, and on the eve of the release of The Shadow of War, my futuristic prison break is finally out in eBook format!

The Trailer for An Island of Light is Here!

The Trailer for An Island of Light

Here it is!  I hope you enjoy.  After you see it, please consider supporting me and buying a copy; Purchase links are here.  Thank you to Fitzhenry & Whiteside for acquiring the series and publishing these novels.  The trailer is below: