Category: Timothy S. Johnston

Creating AMT 1296 USS Enterprise Part 1 of 4 by TSJ

TSJ Returns to a Hobby After Forty Years:  Model Making

It’s been a stressful last few months, no doubt due to the production and release of my latest thriller, A Blanket of Steel.  Because of this, while I await my signing tour this Spring, I’ve decided to revisit a former hobby from over four decades ago.  And boy, I had no idea how much fun it would be.

Amazing Stories Reviews A BLANKET OF STEEL: “It’s Prescient.”

Amazing Stories Reviews A Blanket of Steel:  “It’s prescient.”

This is a stellar review.  I am still processing it.  The reviewer, R. Graeme Cameron, has so far read and reviewed three of my books:

Unboxing Author Copies of A BLANKET OF STEEL

Unboxing Author Copies of A Blanket of Steel

The emotions are impossible to describe.  Do lifelong dreams come true?  A Blanket of Steel is my ninth book, but with each, that first moment when you realize that it actually exists … it’s just a feeling that is nearly overwhelming.

A BLANKET OF STEEL eBook is Now Available!

A Blanket of Steel eBook: Now Available!

Links are in the post, as is the gripping book trailer. All retailers are currently delivering the eBook format (Kindle, Nook, Kobo, ePub, etc.)  Links follow …

Readers’ Favorite Reviews A BLANKET OF STEEL!

Readers’ Favorite Reviews A Blanket of Steel!

And it is very, very good indeed!

See an excerpt, and click a link for the full review:

TSJ Talks John Carpenter’s THE THING!

TSJ Talks John Carpenter’s THE THING!

Last week, I joined the guys from the Re-Creative Podcast and our topic of the evening was my second favorite film of all time, John Carpenter’s The Thing.