Category: Technology

The Rise of Oceania Trilogy Is Now on Kobo

The War Beneath, The Savage Deeps, and Fatal Depth are now on Kobo

The trilogy appeared on Kindle and iBooks a couple of weeks ago; the first three books in the series are now also on Kobo.

Pre-Order The Shadow of War by TSJ!

Pre-Order The Shadow of War by TSJ!

The Shadow of War is now for sale online.  My newest technological thriller is due for release in the Fall, from Fitzhenry & Whiteside.  Read more below …

TSJ Talks Inspirations for The War Beneath

TSJ Talks Inspirations for The War Beneath

When I was a teenager, I read a lot of 1950s Science Fiction. It was the tail end of the “Golden Age of Science Fiction.” Asimov, Pohl, Heinlein, del Rey and more. I fell in love with the genre because of those books. They sparked my imagination and took me to fascinating locations in futuristic settings. The stakes were always huge. It’s those books that really taught me how important YA Science Fiction is. Readers get hooked on the genre early; it’s what happened to me.

SFcrowsnest Reviews AN ISLAND OF LIGHT!

SFcrowsnest Reviews An Island of Light!

It’s a strong writeup and the reviewer, Kelly Jensen, recognizes the contradiction in the book’s title.  As the first line of the review states, it’s the darkest chapter yet.  I’m very proud of this novel.  At my recent book signing, I described it as a “gripping prison break … and the prison is underwater.”  That phrase seemed to resonate with readers.

Author Copies!

An Island of Light Author Copies Have Arrived!

Greetings!  This week, one of the great events of this author’s career occurred.  It doesn’t happen often for most novelists.  All the months and years …

Fatal Depth in Two Award Competitions

Fatal Depth is Long Listed in 2021 CYGNUS and GLOBAL THRILLER Award Competitions

Exciting news to report for Fatal Depth.  The book, a “Do Or Die Mission” that Fitzhenry & Whiteside released last May, has made the Long List for both of these awards.


The Savage Deeps by TSJ wins 2020 CYGNUS Award

Last Saturday evening, I watched via Zoom as The Savage Deeps achieved First in Category in the 2020 CYGNUS Awards.  I want to express my gratitude to the judges, organizers, my readers, fans, family, and friends.

The Most Iconic Book Covers in the Thriller/Suspense/SF Genres

The Most Iconic Book Covers in the Thriller/Suspense/SF Genres

I’ve recently been re-reading some classic novels from my younger days, and I realized that some of their covers might now be considered iconic — some so notable that the movie marketing machines actually copied the book cover, further cementing the image in our minds. Here are some of those books.

The Savage Deeps Shortlisted for the 2020 CYGNUS Sci-Fi Award! Book 3 Coming Soon!

The Savage Deeps Shortlisted for the 2020 CYGNUS Award!  BOOK 3 COMING SOON!

The Savage Deeps has made the shortlist for the 2020 CYGNUS Science Fiction Award